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Research Articles






Shabeer S Iqbal , Lapin. A , Anju P , Deeshma P , Athulya K 


ABSTRACT: Back ground: No single laboratory test is sufficient to have adequate specificity to find out the exact reason behind the neonatal jaundice and therefore the laboratory evidence must be used in coordination with risk factors, medical signs & symptoms. Hence, we have decided to evaluate the relevance of liver function tests in pre-term and full-term babies with neonatal jaundice. Study design: The present study was conducted to assess the significance of Liver function test (LFT) parameters in full-term and pre-term babies with neonatal jaundice.  Materials & methods: The study was carried out at Kannur medical college, Anjarakandy during the year of 2017. A total of 50 newborn babies with neonatal jaundice (25 full term and 25 pre-term) were chosen for this study. Serum samples were collected and Liver Function tests (LFT) such as serum bilirubin, Aspartate aminotransferase (AST), Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), Alkaline phosphatase (ALP), Total protein (TP) and albumin were estimated. Results: The result showed that the serum level of total bilirubin (TB), indirect bilirubin (IDB), AST, ALT and ALP were significantly increased in pre-term than in the case of full-term neonates. There was no significant variation in bilirubin, albumin & TP level.  Conclusion: Outcome of this study suggests that there is an observable significant variation in Liver function tests parameters in pre-term and full-term babies. The results, also indicate that preterm babies will be more prone to severe neonatal jaundice when compared to full term babies.


KEY WORDS: LFT, neonates, term pregnancy, ALT, AST, bilirubin


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