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Q: What sort of articles are published in IJMLR?

A:We accept research article, review article, case studies and short communication.

Q: Is IJMLR peer reviewed Journal?

A: Yes, IJMLR is a peer review international journal. IJMLR is having resourceful Editorial and review panel with vast experience 

      & expertise in various multidisciplinary areas  of medical  science.


Q: How can I submit my paper?
A: Author can submit their paper by mailing as attached copy at in MS Word format.

Q: When will I receive an acknowledgment email for my submission?
A: Paper submissions are normally acknowledged within 24 Hours.

Q: How long does it take for paper review process? 
A: JMLR normally take week  for review process so that there is no delay from corresponding author in case of any correction.

Q: How much would it cost to publish in the journal?

A: There is no charge for the submiting of papers but author(s) of each accepted paper is required to pay a publication charge as

     mentioned below Indian authors 500 RS International authors 20 $. Published papers appear electronically and are freely

     available from our website.

Q: What are the editorial responsibilities?

A: There are many editorial responsibilities to list out a few of them are as follows 1) Assigning the articles to the associated  

     peer-reviewers and to make it a point to supervise the peer-review process. 2) Adding peer-reviewers to the peer-review

     database.   3) An editor must be in a position to ask for revision in the absence of reviewers and should also look to work for the 

      poorly written manuscripts. 4) An editor is responsible for the quality of the materials published after peer-review process.

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