Peer Reviewed Open Access Research Journal
International Journal of Medical Laboratory Research (IJMLR)

DOI: 10.35503
Review Article
UID: IJMLR421905
AK Jaiswal, N Shubhangi, A Dey, DK Sharma, T Millo, SK Gupta
ABSTRACT: Iron is a naturally occurring element found in the nature. It is denoted by the symbol Fe and has an atomic number 26. Iron is one of the most common metals occurring on earth. It occurs in a variety of oxidation states.Out of all the states ferrous (II) and ferric (III) are the most common states and ferrous iron is absorbed better in the body than ferric iron.This is the reason it is used in many iron supplements. Iron is found in many over-the-counter (OTC) multivitamins. Iron toxicity from intentional or accidental ingestion is a common poisoning. Life-threatening toxicity is associated with pediatric ingestion of potent adult preparations, such as prenatal vitamins. Serious iron ingestion in adults is usually associated with suicide attempts. The exposure to iron can be in various forms including metal, salts (ferrous sulfate) and organic compounds. Organs that are affected by iron toxicity are pancreas, liver, kidneys, central nervous system and joints. The clinical features of iron poisoning along with the appropriate diagnosis has been discussed in this paper. The hospitalization and post-hospitalization management would help in the proper care of the patient along with the treatment that canbe done along with analytical techniques like Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) and Voltammetry.
KEY WORDS: Iron toxicity, Metal poisoning, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS).
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