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Research Articles





Haytahm Dahlawi

ABSTRACT:Background:Since, clinical laboratory results play an important role in patient’s diagnosis, investigationand treatment. Thus, errors with laboratory tests might lead to inappropriate medical decision-making. Such errors can be pre-analytical, analytical, and/or post-analytical errors. However, the vast majority of errors arise during manually intensive pre-analytical phase and more than 90% of errors occurred at the process outside the walls of the laboratory. This study aimed to assess the number of the frequency of pre-analytical errors occurring in a hemaetology laboratory at Hera’a General Hospital.Method:this study was a retrospective one and carried out in hematology lab at Hera’a General Hospital from January 2016 to December 2016. All samples received during this period in hematology lab were included.Results: total samples received in hematology lab were 110240 during the study period, out of which 2256 were rejected. The most frequent pre-analytical error was the clotted blood samples with 79%. The second most common cause was the haemolysed samples (9%), followed by insufficient blood volume (8%). This study also showed that the lowest cause for rejection was reported with the incomplete request. Moreover, the highest specimen rejection percentage was observed in intensive care unit. Discussion:the accurate laboratory results are vital for patient health. Thus, quality improvement in patients safety and healthcare would be improved with daily registration of pre-analytical errors occurring in the lab, proper sampling procedure training and education to all staff, coordination between lab and the hospital ward staff and computerization of the laboratory.

KEYWORDS:Pre-analytical, Laboratory errors, HematologyLaboratory, Rejections.



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