Peer Reviewed Open Access Research Journal
International Journal of Medical Laboratory Research (IJMLR)

DOI: 10.35503
Research Articles
OS Abbadi , AH Osman , NAM Ali
ABSTRACT: Overview: Physical forces are known to affect biological structure and modulate the extracellular matrix. Collagen is the most abundant protein outside the cell, and it is clearly highlighted through Masson trichrome and van Geison’s stain. This research aimed to calculate the specific concentration of collagen within histology slides, after being subjected to sessions of intermittent negative pressure (INP), using Adobe® Photoshop® software and mice models. Objectives: To measure the collagen concentration in histology slides through Adobe® Photoshop®, using two types of stains: Masson trichrome, and van Gieson’s stain. Methods: Sixteen mice were put into sessions of INP ten minutes daily, for three weeks. Skin tissues were extracted from test and control sides. Stained slides were photographed and inserted in the Adobe® Photoshop® program to measure collagen concentration according to the specified calculated areas within the slides. Results: Masson’s trichrome slides gave a mean Collagen concentration of (58.4%) in the test slides, compared to the control which was (39.9%). In van Gieson stained slides, the collagen gave a mean concentration of (54.93%) in test slides and (41.32%) in the control. The difference was statistically insignificant in both staining. Conclusion: Applying INP to mice skin for three weeks did not significantly change the concentration of the collagen in the extracellular matrix
KEY WORDS: Collagen, Negative pressure, Masson’s trichrome, van Gieson stain.
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