Peer Reviewed Open Access Research Journal
International Journal of Medical Laboratory Research (IJMLR)

DOI: 10.35503
Research Article
A Challapalli, F Fazal , MLJ Pais, M Adnan, RP Jakribettu, R Boloor, MS Baliga
ABSTRACT: Background: Globally, tuberculosis (TB) is one of the top 10 causes of death and India, is one among the leading contributors. This study was undertaken to assess the clinic-laboratory profile of the patients diagnosed with Pulmonary TB (PTB) and evaluate differences between dead and alive PTB patients. Material and methods: : This is a retrospective study, conducted in the patients diagnosed with PTB from January 2016 to December 2018. The clinical, hematological and biochemical parameters of the patients diagnosed with Pulmonary TB at the time of presentation to the tertiary care hospital was noted and compared among the age matched healthy individuals. We further looked for prognostic factors among the tuberculosis patients who died and survived. Results: A total of 209 patients were diagnosed with PTB during the study period. The prevalence of TB was higher in males. Most of the TB patients belonged to the age group 31-60 years. Among the PTB patients, cough with expectoration was the most common symptoms followed by fever and breathlessness. Nearly 50% patients had symptoms for less than 2 weeks. The right upper zone was the most common zone involved radiologically. When compared to healthy individuals, TB patients had significantly low haemoglobin, while there was raise in total leukocyte count, platelet count ESR, Blood urea, and LFT. The mortality in TB patients was associated with low haemoglobin, lower differential macrophage count and lower globulin. Conclusion: In our study population, PTB was common in males, and in age group of 31-60 years. Patients with Cough with expectoration with 2 weeks duration, anaemic, leucocytosis and raised ESR must be investigated extensively for Pulmonary TB. Patients (PTB) with were severe anaemia and lower differential macrophage count had higher mortality rate.
KEY WORDS: Tuberculosis, haematological, biochemical, TB Mortality
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To cite this article:
Challapalli A, Fazal F , Pais MLJ , Adnan M, Jakribettu RP, Boloor R, Baliga MS. Clinico-laboratory profile of patients affected with pulmonary tuberculosis: retrospective observations from a tertiary care hospital. Int. J. Med. Lab. Res. 2020; 5,2:20-26.