Peer Reviewed Open Access Research Journal
International Journal of Medical Laboratory Research (IJMLR)

DOI: 10.35503
Research Article
Vecihe Azizoglu, Burçin Ozer, Aycan Gundogdu
ABSTRACT: Aim: It was aimed to compare the antimicrobial susceptibility of carbapenem resistant (CRPA) andsusceptible P. aeruginosa (CSPA) strains and to determine the presence of carbapenemasegenes in CRPA strains. Methods: Fifty CRPA and 251 CSPA were included into the study. Antibiotic susceptibilities were determined using the automated system. The presence of carbapenemasegenes (blaIMP, blaSPM, blaAIM, blaNDM, blaOXA-48, blaKPC) in CRPA strains were investigated by multiplex polymerase chain reaction method. Results: CRPA isolates were found to be more resistant to amikacin, aztreonam, gentamicin, netilmicin, tobramycin, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, cefepime, ceftazidime, piperacillin, piperacillin / tazobactamthan CSPA. Amikacin, aztreonam, ceftazidime, ciprofloxacin, colistin, cefepime, gentamicin, levofloxacin, netilmycin, piperacillin, tobramycin, piperacillin/tazobactam MIC values of CRPA strains were found to be higher than MIC values of CSPA strains. The multidrug resistance (MDR) rate was 14,6% and higher in the CRPA group. Inthe CRPA strains, among blaIMP, blaVIM, blaSPM, blaNDM, blaKPC, blaAIM and blaOXAgenes, blaIMP was found in one strain and blaVIM gene in three strains. Conclusions: The carbapenem resistance and MDR rate in ours tudy, were found to be lesser than the rates in our country. It was found that CRPA were also more resistant to other antibiotics than CSPA. IMP and VIM type enzymes were found in our study. Together with other studies conducted in our hospital, this study showed that carbapenemases were not common in P. Aeruginosa strains isolated in our hospital. Identifying these enzymes epidemiologically is important in preventing the spread of resistance.
KEY WORDS: P. aeruginosa, antibiotic, resistance, carbapenem, carbapenemase
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To cite this article:
Azizoglu V, Ozer B, Gundogdu A. Comparison of antibiotic susceptibilities of carbapenem resistant and carbapenemsusceptible pseudomonas aeruginosa strains and investigating some carbapenemase genes in carbapenem resistant strains. Int. J. Med. Lab. Res. 2021; 6,3:16-26.