Peer Reviewed Open Access Research Journal
International Journal of Medical Laboratory Research (IJMLR)

DOI: 10.35503
Research Article
Akpan Richard P , Ugbomoiko Daniel O , Ajugwo Anslem O , Akpan Victoria O
Abstract: Background: Hepatitis B viruses (HBV) have caused chronic and acute diseases which may be asymptomatic in billions of people. Screening of blood donors is therefore important to reduce transfusion transmission. Positive Hepatitis B core antibody suggests previous infection or vaccination. HBV infections often lead to alteration in the D-dimer which may lead to complications in the donor. This study is therefore aimed at determining D-dimer levels in Hepatitis B negative blood donors. Materials and Method: ABON rapid test kit was used to identify 200 Hepatitis B negative donors, VITROS was used for Hepatitis B core antibodies detection, while LumiraDx D-dimer test instrument was used to determine D-dimer levels. Descriptive statistics were used for data presentation, while Chi-square was used to determine the relationships and associations between categorical variables. Results: 59.2% of the participants were anti-HBc negative, while 40.5% were positive. Chi-square results showed that there was no significant relationship between D-dimer levels (Ug/ml) and Anti HBc status of the participants, and age did not have significant association with D-dimer levels of negative or positive anti-HBc status of the participants. Conclusion: Mean D-dimer is within the normal range and most of the potential donors were fit to donate suitable blood for transfusion, without the safety of both donors and prospective recipient being compromised.
KEYWORDS: Case control study, Hepatitis B, Hematological parameters, Immunodiagnostic, D-Dimer
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To cite this article:
Akpan Richard P, Ugbomoiko Daniel O, Ajugwo Anslem O, Akpan Victoria O. D-dimer levels in Hepatitis B negative blood donors at the blood bank of university college hospital, Ibadan. Int. J. Med. Lab. Res. 2023;8,2:1-7.